Unix Unanimous Meeting - Wednesday 12 February 2025

The next meeting of Unix Unanimous will be held at 6:45 pm on Wednesday 12 February 2025 on-line via Zoom. Log-in and other details are avaible to group members only.

Unix Unanimous is an informal gathering of people interested in Unix and related topics. There are no fees or membership requirements, and the meeting is open to all. Participants typically include Unix professionals, students, and hobbyists.

This message will be repeated on the Monday before the meeting. If there are any items for the agenda, please email www-uu@unixunanimous.org before then.

The meeting is always held on the second Wednesday of each month.

Special Announcements:

A very big thank you to Colin McGregor for hosting the Zoom meetings.

  • A mailing list has been set up for this announcement. If you wish to receive notification via email, go to https://unixunanimous.org/mailman/listinfo/u-u/ to add yourself to the list.