[u-u] Terminal Emulation

Renata Rocha natzilla at gmail.com
Mon May 9 16:26:03 EDT 2011

This might be a very silly and unoportune question because it has some
non-unix influence on it, but I have no idea where to ask.

I happen to be managing different kinds of unixes, mostly Solaris 10.

I have to connect to these instances using Putty. Yes, it's a windows
machine. How to make the terminal on the other side talk to putty on a
more friendly way? I noticed it's VT100, but when I open vi... my
life's over. Editing a file is pain and suffering. I set the term for
vt100, exported, yadda yadda, but I can't use backspace/delete.

Any help on making my life better would be appreciated.

Thank you

Renata Rocha

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